General Information on the Book and the Author
"Leela's Gift", Janet Levine’s latest book, a novel, is currently available at www.amazon.com and at www.lulu.com, other online booksellers and bookstores everywhere. It is the story of a luminous inner journey that uncovers archetypal and highly relevant spiritual teachings. "Leela's Gift" intertwines modern philosophy and primal wisdom infused with some of the inner teachings of Buddhism and the Enneagram. East meets West in Leela helping her as Maharishi says, "To understand ancient wisdom in a modern world."
Meditation and yoga offer practical paths to freedom from the often dispiriting and desperate quality of our contemporary lives. "Leela’s Gift" points the way to these paths.
In the late 1980s Levine was introduced to a personality model, the Enneagram, and adapted it in two books, one for educators and another for parents. She has been published in the New York Times Magazine, The Boston Globe, The Yale Review and many other publications, and has appeared on national TV as a commentator on South Africa. A South African native, Levine was an anti-apartheid activist, freelance journalist and twice-elected public official. She was the only white journalist to have a weekly column in a black newspaper. Levine is the founder and first president of an international association of Enneagram teachers. Since coming to the USA Levine has taught literature and philosophy in the English department at Milton Academy, Milton, and she has lead workshops internationally on education.
You can read about Levine’s political life in her memoir, "Inside Apartheid" and more about her work on her website at www.janetlevine.com.
Visit www.janetlevine.com